
The long


Dr Ben Ennis Butler is a Senior Lecturer in Design, in the School of Design and the Built Environment, within the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra. Ben completed his PhD, Escaping the search box: developing digital interfaces that encourage exploration and discovery, in 2017. His ongoing practice-led research is focused on the creation of novel exploratory interfaces for digital heritage collections.



Doctor of Philosophy in Communication. University of Canberra. Thesis title: Escaping the search box: developing digital interfaces that encourage exploration and discovery


First Class Honours in Creative Communication (Honours) from University of Canberra 2010.


Senior Lecturer in Design, School of Design and Built Environment, Faculty of Arts & Design, University of Canberra. Since 2019.

I have taught at UC since 2010 across a wide range of different roles. View my teaching experience here.


A list of my publications, conference presentations and other research experience is available on my research experience page or view my UC Research profile.


Website design and development:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Wordpress/Other CMS'
  • Shopify

The short

Dr Ben Ennis Butler
Canberra, Australia

Senior Lecturer in Design, School of Design and Built Environment, Faculty of Arts & Design, University of Canberra.

Area of research: creating visual information seeking interfaces for large digital cultural heritage collections.

Interested in data visualisation, visual communication, media, politics, urban planning, Scandinavian design, gardening & sustainability.

Amateur horticulturist.


Email: ben@beneb.com
Twitter: @beneb
Online: beneb.com